2007/09/21 - Participation to conference
Participation to ESCAPE-18 conferenceLibpf.com staff will attend on June 1st to 4th 2008 ESCAPE 18, (the 18th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering) in Lyon (France) and present the paper “Tearing for parallelization and control of sparsity in process flowsheeting”.
The shift from single- to multi-core hardware in desktop workstations is opening up new ways for parallelizing CAPE tools. In the process flowsheeting domain it gives us a chance to reconsider the topic of tearing; tearing can be used for coarse-grained parallelization and sparsity control of a single-pass modular flowsheet calculation. The idea is demonstrated in the framework of a flowsheeting tool under development based on the object-oriented programming language C++ and the OpenMP multithreading specification. We have provided speed-up estimates based on actual chemical processes as well as prototype test problems.